Meaningful Life Coaching for Personal & Professional Growth

Check out my new Article with Naluri “Feeling Stuck in Your Career”

Hey Friends! We all feel stagnant and stuck in our career journey from time to time due to various reasons. This feeling might be overwhelming and confusing as you do not know what is exactly wrong or maybe you do, but you are uncertain about your further actions. I am sharing some ideas on the […]

Unearthing AI coaching chatbots capabilities for professional coaching: a systematic literature review

Recent advances in #coaching technology enhanced its accessibility and affordability for a broader population. In the imposing growth of economy and the demand for extensive coaching intervention for #executives, #artificialintelligence (#AI)-based coaching is one of the possible solutions. While the evidence of AI #coachingeffectiveness is expanding, a comprehensive understanding of the field remains elusive. In […]

My First Academic Article has been published!!!

Dear friends, this is the true moment of joy & happiness, that I would really love to share with you. I am currently on my journey to pursue Doctorate in Human Resource Management and my first academic paper has been published yesterday in Management Review Quarterly. It involved one year of hard work with the […]