Equanimity… what’s in a word?

In Buddhism, the state of internal balance is often referred to as “equanimity” or “upekkha” in Pali, one of the foundational languages of Buddhist texts. Equanimity is considered one of the four or divine abodes, along with loving-kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), and sympathetic joy (mudita). Why are we talking about Equanimity and how is it […]
Toxic Positivity or Social Media Bias

I opened up #linkedin this morning and scrolled down, like usual, only to see all various wins, achievements, awards, happy faces, conferences’ successes and many, many positive vibes! Which is great and very inspiring! It is nothing but natural to celebrate the success and to connect with others by sharing your wonderful life experiences. Although, what […]
“Unlocking Inner Wisdom: The Power of Tarot Cards in Life Coaching”

Life coaching is a transformative journey that empowers people to set and achieve their goals, unlock their potential and overcome obstacles on the way to meaningful life and fulfilment. Tarot cards is an unconventional tool and approach, that can broaden the horizon of life coaching through tapping into deep self-reflection & intuition. […]
Meet my new best friend – Self-Love

I have been practicing Life Coaching for the last 5 years and worked with various clients from different countries and backgrounds. What I find common and extremely wide spread among all different coachees is the ongoing issue of anxiety. We all talk about stress and anxiety management and give a lot of advices on […]