“Procrastination: The Silent Enemy of Your Dreams”
Procrastination: the word itself carries a heavy weight, doesn’t it? We all know it, we’ve all experienced it, and yet, it remains one of the most common obstacles on our journey towards success and self-improvement. In this article, we’re going to dive headfirst into the depths of procrastination, understand its root cause and discover how […]
Meet my new best friend – Self-Love
I have been practicing Life Coaching for the last 5 years and worked with various clients from different countries and backgrounds. What I find common and extremely wide spread among all different coachees is the ongoing issue of anxiety. We all talk about stress and anxiety management and give a lot of advices on […]
Uncomfortable Comfort Zone or Why Do We All Need Coaching?
Don’t we all sometimes run low on self-esteem and see no signs of progress in our personal and professional life? Or do our self-doubts and negative thought patterns increase day by day? Nothing is more delightful than seeing ourselves progressing in life and overcoming challenges by dealing with our self-limiting beliefs and low self-confidence. […]
Coaching 101 or Everything, that You wanted to Know about Coaching, but were afraid to…
There is still quite a bit of confusion regarding the history and essence of coaching. I come across many questions, such as: What is Coaching? Is it Counselling or Mentoring? How does it really work? The reason is that coaching is still a rather novel helping intervention. Coaching has emerged in the middle of […]